Who is this book for?

"Monty’s Day in Court” is not meant to be handed off to a child to read and figure out on their own. It is meant to be read with a caring adult (parent, therapist, or advocate, etc.) who is able to explain the story in terms that make sense for that child’s specific situation and age (recommended for 5+).

There is a Discussion Guide that accompanies the book because every case is different. Many cases don’t go to court but children can still stand up, be heard, and begin the process of truly healing.

Quick summary of the book?

The book follows 10-year-old Monty’s journey as he learns it is ok to be upset about the abuse he endured and how he works through his feelings with his therapist. After Monty is subpoenaed to testify, caring adults help him understand what will happen in court and the support he will have throughout the process.

Why did you write this book?

To help children like our son who testified against his biological father.

For children, having a book to see someone else who has been in their shoes is important. Their experience is validated and they don’t feel as alone anymore. The feelings around abuse and family obligation are terribly complex and it is critical that children know that there is no one way to feel. They may feel different day to day. Having a book to take home and read through when they need it is equally important. This book covers several stages of the process and a child may want to refer to it at different times.

What services did we have in place for our son?

Our son had the benefit of going to a court preparation program and having Bikers Against Child Abuse (B.A.C.A.) there to support him but this isn’t always the reality for many children who go through this experience. In a normal year over 100,000 testify in court for various reasons. He also had a wonderful and trusted play therapist that we had been seeing regularly.

While many court clinics or prep programs provide workbooks or coloring books they are very generic in nature and often are used for dependency hearings.

What are some things that parents/providers can do to support a kid that's going through this process?

It is a traumatic experience to have to testify, it should have its own ACEs category or be considered an additional point on top of incarceration or a parent or abuse. Be sympathetic. Dote a lot. Validate their feelings. Learn with them. Make it fun. We let our son have a special food after every meal while we were waiting for the trial to start. We planned as many distraction activities as we could.

As somebody that has gone through the process, what advice do you have for parents going through this experience?

None of the resources we had were suggested by social services, the courts, or otherwise. We did the hard work to find resources for our son. Be vigilant. Ask questions and find the best resources you can to help your child.

How much is this book and where can I purchase it?

“Monty’s Day in Court” is only available on Amazon: English & Español for $6.25 per copy.

We are not sure if we want to order this book, can you send us a free copy?

I do not draw any income from the sale of this book so I am only able to offer an online preview through Google Drive. Feel free to sign up for a preview here. Be sure to also check out: the discussion guide and recommended reading list.

Is it possible to get a bulk discount when ordering the book?

Unfortunately Amazon does not offer bulk discounts. I chose to self publish this book so that it could be offered at the lowest possible price for children who needed it. I do not draw any income from the sale of this book. See next question.

What charities receive proceeds from this book?

Each book is sold at Amazon’s base cost with a .10 overage which is donated to the following charities:

Our organization cannot afford a copy, how do we create a wishlist?

If your organization or agency does not have the funds to purchase a copy of the book, consider creating an Amazon Wish List. Add your organization to Monty’s Wish List Page.

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What response have you received from the community after writing this book?

The response has been tremendous. When we started this book, we hoped that we could help at least one child. Now with the thousands of books that been purchased we know that number is much higher but know the work is not done. Child abuse is an epidemic and more books are needed on this tough subject.

Are you available for speaking engagements?
